Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Super Trouper

Today was one of those days that make me feel like a total supermommy.  Tuesdays are my Weight Watchers weigh-in days.  I try to make the 12:15 meeting if I can, but they have open hours until 3:30, so if my afternoon gets away from me, I can still go and weigh in.  And since WW is on the other side of town, I use Tuesdays as my west side errands day:  Costco, the nice grocery store, and the mall if I have to go there.

Today included all of those PLUS my going waaaay up north to get my computer from the really great people at Heroic Efforts data recovery.  They did a great job diagnostically, were very friendly and accommodating, but I decided that between all of my camera memory cards, my old computer, and my phone, that I could probably get most of my info on my own.

It felt like we were always moving today,  just boom boom boom!  I tell you what, I love running errands with Bean.  He is such a cheerful and curious little person and loves people so much.  He causes so many happy smiles when we're out and about; it fills me with joy to think that my boy could have made someone's day.  He's totally that cute baby that you tell your husband about after encountering!

I know it's probably not the best idea, but I don't really like to eat much before I weigh in at WW.  When I make my meeting, it's fine.  But on days like today, I didn't get to WW until about 2pm (I lost 0.4 lbs this week.  Not great, but not a gain!), by the time I got to Costco, I was wilting.  I had a slice of their really bread-y cheese pizza, and I felt disgusting about it later. Especially when I read that the ONE piece of "Fast food style cheese pizza" was 15 PointsPlus!!  I get 31 for the day.

Thankfully, I got my meal-planning stuff together, and while tonight was crazy, thrown-together dinner night (thank the sweet Lord for whole wheat flax waffles), I'm on track to make some great stuff for the rest of this week.  I got these amazing list notepads at Anthropologie a couple of weeks ago, that I think are going to make my life much much easier, and I truly started utilizing them this week. They have a Farmer's Market notepad that I also have, but I'm not quite there yet...  

This is what I use for my grocery lists.  Both of these notepads have magnets on the back, and they live on the fridge for easy updating.  I use a red marker to check off the things that I need at Sam's or Costco, and pencil for grocery store.

For meal planning, I write down the recipe I'm using, along with a short code for the cookbook, and the page number, so I can easily access it when I need it. 
After dinner, playtime, bath, stories, and bedtime, I realized that I still hadn't gotten a workout in.  So, I hopped on ye olde treadmill and did Week 2, Day 2 of Couch to 5K, even though I've been in PAIN all day from my strength training workout yesterday.

Today is Tuesday (or it was), which is bathroom cleaning day, so I scrubbed the toilets & bathtubs and then went downstairs to sweep the floor and clean up after dinner.  I guess the workout energized me, because the next thing I knew, I was organizing my cookbooks (something that desperately needed to be done)!  I realized that I might just have a mild obsession with Julia Child and with Jamie Oliver.  I have 4 Julia books (not including biographies & My Life in France), and 6 Jamie cookbooks!! I found my little stash of Bob Greene's Best Life books (I have the book, the cookbook, and two copies of the journal) that I had completely forgotten about.  I think I'm going to start reading the book tomorrow.  I looked at the journal, and I really liked the format, so I'll add that onto the pile of things, too!

I set aside all of my cookbooks that had to do with fresh eating, family eating, kids eating/ cooking, and my WW cookbooks, and those will be the ones I will be consulting primarily for this whole SMGB (Skinny Mom & Growing Boy) project.

Now that I see it's nearly 1:30am, I'm going to take my bath, read a little Manhunt, and go to bed.  Tomorrow, I have to clean our home office (eep!!) and do some cooking, but it's PapaBean's day off, so he will be spawnwatching while I have a day to do stuff like, well, clean the office.  I'm also going to do Bob Harper's Yoga workout.  These tired muscles need some stretching!